Fortnite - Psycho Bundle

Fortnite - Psycho Bundle
Borderlands 3 (PC) + Fortnite - Psycho Bundle (DLC) Epic Games Key
This bundle includes:
- •Psycho Bandit Outfit;
- •Claptrap Pet;
- •Psycho Buzz Axes;
- •Borderlands 3 game.
Get the Fortnite Borderlands skin through purchasing the Fortnite - Psycho Bundle + Borderlands 3 Epic Games key, and get a whole new game as well! In this Fortnite Psycho Bundle, two iconic gaming franchises - Fortnite and Borderlands meet in the epic crossover. There’s hardly a more fitting mixture of elements than a combination of Fortnite’s cartoon-inspired aesthetic and an awesome Psycho outfit from the Borderlands game series that also comes with the voiced Claptrap pet. Just like Fortnite, Borderlands doesn’t shy away from the animation-style graphics, witty sense of humour and over the top action. Become the Borderlands Psycho and create mayhem on the battlefield in a way like you never have before!
Dive into Borderlands 3!
Buy Fortnite Psycho Bundle + Borderlands 3 Epic Games key and face the worst of the worst scum of the galaxy first-hand! Be the first to show them who’s boss - eliminate psychos, religious fanatics, and all kinds of other evildoers. This journey will put you through challenges extending far beyond Pandora's borders, so get ready, as Borderlands 3 will present itself in completely new depth. Embody the four protagonists - Moze, Amara, FL4K, and Zane - and customizable them beyond your wildest expectations. Their new and astonishing skillsets will surprise even the pickiest critic